Admin4J Configuration Reference

Admin4J Configuration Properties.

Exception Tracking properties.

Parameter Required Options Default Description N xml Specifies the format used to store tracked exceptions and exception statistics. N null Specifies a fully-qualified or relative file location for exception tracking information. N 30 days Amount of time an occurance of an exception will be included in the exception statistics.
exception.exempted.exception.types N none. Comma delimited list of exception class names that will *not* be tracked.
error.notification.time.interval.millis N none. If set, web transaction errors of the same type will be surpressed for the given time period.
error.exempted.exception.types N none. Comma delimited list specifying exception classes that will not result in notification for web transactions.

Performance Tracking properties.

Parameter Required Options Default Description N xml Specifies the format used to store performance statistics. N null Specifies a fully-qualified or relative file location for performance statistics. N If set, web transactions with execution time greater than or equal to this setting will result in notification.
performance.uri.consolidator N Class name that implements HttpRequestConsolidator interface. Bundled option is net.admin4j.ui.filters.consolidator.RestServiceHttpRequestConsolidator, which will consolidate RESTful web service URIs that include data as well as resource designations. Additional parameters may be needed depending on the consolidator chosen. See the javadoc for that consolidator for details.
rest.resource.tokens N Required if URI consolidator RestServiceHttpRequestConsolidator is specified. Comma delimited list of REST resource identifiers. For example, "students,classes,charges". All other parts of the URI are ignored for performance tracking purposes.
rest.service.uri.prefix N Required if URI consolidator RestServiceHttpRequestConsolidator is specified. Identifies a URI prefix used for RESTful web services. For example "/services". This is needed so that URIs that aren't RESTful web services aren't ignored as data identifiers.

Thread contention, memory monitor, and unexpected load alert properties.

Parameter Required Options Default Description
memory.sleep.interval.millis N 30000 Length of Memory monitor sleep interval in milliseconds.
memory.threshold.pct N 90 Percent memory usage required to trigger a notification.
memory.nbr.intervals.between.warnings N 30 Number of intervals between notifications should the memory problem persist.
memory.nbr.low.watermark.intervals N 48 Number of low watermark observations reported with a low memory notice.
memory.low.watermark.monitor.interval.millis N 1800000 Number of Millis between low watermark observations.
thread.sleep.interval.millis N 30000 Length of Thread monitor sleep interval in milliseconds.
thread.max.blocked.threads N 2 Number of blocked threads needed to trigger notification.
usage.sleep.interval.millis N 30000 Amount of time in millis monitor will sleep between checks.
usage.alert.levels N 100 Comma-delimited list of threshold levels for which notices will be sent. Example: 10,50,100.

File Explorer properties.

Parameter Required Options Default Description N true/false true If true, file exploring will be restricted to the base directory and its subdirectories.
file.explorer.restrict.from.exec N true/false true If true, file exploring will not permit execution of those files that are executable.
file.explorer.restrict.from.write N true/false true If true, file exploring will not allow file uploads. N user.dir system property value Specifies the directory that will originate file exploring.

SQL Performance properties.

Parameter Required Options Default Description
sql.nbr.retained.sql.statements N 50 Number of top resource intensive SQL statements retained. N 6 Hrs Maximum time SQL statements are retained since last executed.

Miscellaneous properties.

Parameter Required Options Default Description
additional.log.manager.classes N Comma delimited list of classes that implement LogManager interface. This can be used to allow Admin4J to support additional logging frameworks.
hotspot.sleep.interval.millis N 30000 Length of HotSpot sleep interval in milliseconds.
request.history.nbr.retained N 5 The number of requests in the request history section for error logs and emails.