File Explorer

Enabling a web-based file explorer on your application server.

Installing Web-based File Explorer

If you followed the installation procedure detailed in the Getting Started section, there is no need to install the File Explorer separately. Only follow this procedure if you're not using the Admin4J Home Page Servlet.

Add the following servlet and servlet mapping to your applications web.xml:

	<servlet-name>File Explorer Servlet </servlet-name>

Exception tracking is automatically installed when the display servlet is defined. The following configuration parameters are supported on the Exception Display servlet:

Parameter Required Default Description N Default user.dir system property setting. Starting current directory. (true/false) N true Restricts exploring to the base directory and all subdirectories.
restrict.from.exec (true/false) N true Restricts user from executing scripts or applications.
restrict.from.write (true/false) N true Restricts user from uploading files.
You might want to define a security constraint on the mapping to this servlet if you only want to provide display access to administrators and support personnel.