Admin4J Notifiers

Admin4J Notifiers.

An Admin4J notifier is the mechanism through which Admin4J 'notifies' administrators of detected problems and issues. All notifiers implement interface net.admin4j.util.notify.Notifier.

Email Notification

Email notification classes:

net.admin4j.util.notify.HtmlEmailNotifier Email with HTML format.
net.admin4j.util.notify.TextEmailNotifier Email with Text format.
net.admin4j.util.notify.SmsTextEmailNotifier Email with Text format limited to 70 characters.

Email notifier support the following properties, filter parameters, or servlet parameters:

Parameter Required Default Description Y none. For example ''. Y none. For example ''. Y none. For example ''.
allowed.servers N none. Comma delimited list of servers that can send email.

Log Notification

The log notifier class is net.admin4j.util.notify.LogNotifier and currently supports no parameters. Notification log entries are made to a logger of the same name.